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Rescheduled BuckBranch Farm Schooling Show - March 10, 2019

Sun, Mar 10


BuckBranch Farm

Don't Miss Out!! Come join us on March 3rd for a casual, low-key schooling show. This show is just in time to get tuned up for the upcoming show season. Schooling show is hosted by Becky Brown's School of Horsemanship, RB Riding and BuckBranch Farm.

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Rescheduled BuckBranch Farm Schooling Show - March 10, 2019
Rescheduled BuckBranch Farm Schooling Show - March 10, 2019

Time & Location

Mar 10, 2019, 8:00 AM

BuckBranch Farm, 316 S Goode Rd, Wilmer, TX 75172, USA

About the event

Winter/Spring 2019

Sunday, March 3rd 2019 (rain date - Sunday, March 10th 2019)



CONDUCT: It is the responsibility of the exhibitor, trainer and spectator to conduct themselves in a civilized and sportsmanlike manner. All children must be accompanied/supervised by an adult.

ENTRY FEES and DEADLINE: Entry fee is $15 per class if entry is received by Wednesday, November

16th. All entries received after the deadline will be subject to a $5 per class late fee. A $15.00 office and awards fee will be charged for every horse & rider combination. Once the show has started, proper notification of a scratch must be made to the show secretary BEFORE the start of the class or classes being scratched. CURRENT COGGINS MUST BE PRESENTED FOR ALL HORSES ON THE GROUNDS. Entries may be emailed to The BuckBranch at: . Please include name of rider, horse, barn affiliation, age division and phone. Individual class numbers must be specified.

RETURNED CHECKS: A $35.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks.

ATTIRE: SEI APPROVED HELMETS MUST BE WORN BY ALL RIDERS WHILE MOUNTED. Riders must be properly attired. Numbers must be worn and clearly visible. May wear solid color polo shirts with collars.

FOOTING: Covered Arena is 100’ x 200’ with sand footing. Outdoor Jumping Arena is 250’ x 350’ with sand footing. Dressage Arena is 20x60 meters with sand footing.

CHANGES: Management reserves the right to change, cancel or combine classes, alter courses and do all things necessary to compensate for excessive or inadequate entries.

CONCESSIONS: Some concessions will be offered in the office during the show.

RESPONSIBILITY: Submission of entry to these shows constitutes an agreement to the following:

Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Becky Brown School of Horsemanship and the

BuckBranch Farm against any claim, demands, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fee for the defense thereof, arising from the conduct or management of Exhibitor’s business or its use of the premises or from any breach on the part of Exhibitors of any conditions of this Agreement, or contractors, agents, employees, guests, or invitees in or about the premises. In case of any action or proceeding brought against Becky Brown School of Horsemanship or BuckBranch Farm by reason of any such claim, exhibitor, upon notice, covenants to defend such action or proceeding by council acceptable to owner. Exhibitor is responsible for his/her own property. Becky Brown School of Horsemanship and BuckBranch Farm are not responsible for accidents, fire or theft.






Div 1 – Walk or Trot Over Poles (Once Around)

H1. W or T Over Poles 1

H2. W or T Over Poles 2

H3. W or T Equitation on the Flat

Div 2 – Walk/Trot Crossrails (Once Around)

H4. W/T Over Crossrails 1

H5. W/T Over Crossrails 2

H6. W/T Equitation on the Flat

Div 3 * Walk/Trot/Canter Crossrails (Twice Around)

H7. W/T/C Over Crossrails 1

H8. W/T/C Over Crossrails 2

H9. W/T/C Equitation on the Flat

Div 4 * Equitation Over Fences: 18” (full course * no gates)

H10. 18” Over Fences

H11. 18” Over Fences 2

H12. 18” Equitation on the Flat

Div 5 * Beginner Hunter Division: 2’0” (full course with gates)

H13. Beginner Hunter Over Fences 1

H14. Beginner Hunter Over Fences 2

H15. Beginner Hunter Under Saddle

Div 6 * Junior/Amateur Hunter Division: 2’3” (full course with oxers)

H16. Jr/Am Hunter Over Fences 1

H17. Jr/Am Hunter Over Fences 2

H18. Jr/Am Hunter Under Saddle

Div 7 * Junior/Amateur Equitation: 2’3”

H19. Jr/Am Equitation on the Flat

H20. Jr/Am Equitation Over Fences

Div 8 – Lead Line

H21. Lead Line on the Flat

H22. Lead Line Course over Poles

Jump Arena – Outdoor arena

*Jumper Classes: only one course will be used for both Jumper 1 and Jumper 2. If there is rain we will run the Wanna Be jumper and Puddle Jumper Division in the indoor arena.

Div 9 * Wanna Be Jumper Division

J1. Wanna Be Jumper 1: 2’0” – 2’3”

J2. Wanna Be jumper 2: 2’0” - 2’3”

J3. Wanna Be Jumper: Power and Speed: 2’0” - 2’3”

Div 10 * Puddle Jumper Division

J4. Puddle Jumper 1: 2’6”

J5. Puddle Jumper 2: 2’6”

J6. Puddle Jumper Power and Speed: 2’6”

Div 11 * Schooling Jumper Division

J7. Schooling Jumper 1: 2’9” - 3’0”

J8. Schooling Jumper 2: 2’9” - 3’0”

J9. Schooling Jumper Power and Speed: 2’9”- 3’0”

Dressage – Outdoor Start 8 a.m.

D1 Intro Test A

D2 Intro Test B

D3 Intro Test C

D4 Training Test 1

D5 Training Test 2

D6 Training Test 3

D7 First Level Test 1

D8 First Level Test 2

D9 First Level Test 3

D10 USDF Test of Choice

D11 USEA Test of Choice

D12 Western Dressage Test of Choice

ALL ENTRIES DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2019. Entries received after this date will be accepted, but are subject to a late fee.

Show Manager - Bethany Quine

Show Secretary - Linda Nelon

Course Design - Rebecca Brown

Dressage Judge - TBD

Hunter Judge - TBD

Jumper Judge - TBD


Class Descriptions

Schooling shows are for fun and education!

All classes except dressage are divided into age groups. JR (Junior Rider) is 11 years old and under. YR (Young Rider) is 12-15, and Adult is 16 and over. Large classes with 10 or more entries will be split. Classes are run with all the riders in each age group going at the same time but they are judged and pinned (awarded ribbons) separately by age group.

Below are the class descriptions. We ask that you consult with your trainer as to what classes are appropriate for the rider. . Riders may ride in one or multiple divisions. Often it is suggested that the rider start in a lower height division as a warm-up towards the level of jumping that they have been schooling in their lessons. We sometimes suggest that the rider not jump as high as they have been riding in their lessons if it is the first show for that rider or he/she is a bit overwhelmed. We want everyone to have FUN!

Hunter classes are held in the Ashley Arena. This is the covered arena.

Division 1-Walk/Trot Over Poles (once around)

H1- Four poles placed on the ground so that two are on one side of the arena and two are on the other side. The rider starts on the left side and either walks or trots in jumping position one time around over all four poles.

H2-Same as H1 but the rider starts with the poles on the right side.

H3-A group class in which the riders are asked to walk and trot then change direction and walk and trot again on the flat (no fences). There is a PA system at the arena; riders will be told what to do, e.g. “trot please.” The judge is placing more emphasis on the rider ’s position and ability to control the horse.

Division 2-Walk/Trot Crossrails (once around)

H4-Same as H1 but over very low crossrails (Xs made with two poles placed in jump cups on the standards.)

H5-Same as H4 but in the opposite direction.

H6-Same as H3 ridden on the flat with judge placing more emphasis on the rider ’s position and ability to control the horse.

Judged the same as Division 1.

Division 3- Walk/Trot/Canter Crossrails (twice)

H7- Same as H1 but the rider may walk, trot, or canter the course or do a combination of those gaits. Riders should ask the trainer ahead of time what gait they should choose. The pattern is ridden two times around.

H8-Same as H7 but in the opposite direction.

H9-Same as H3 but the judge will request all three gaits to be ridden. Riders will hear instructions during the class, e.g. “trot please Judged the same as Division 1.

Division 4-Equitation Over Fences 18”

This division consists of a full course with 8 fences set at 18” high. The riders are judged on their equitation (form over fences and skill of controlling the horse). The course is posted outside the arena for the rider to learn before the class begins. Only poles are used to build the jump; all vertical fences. No oxers (jumps with width) or gates (a particular style of fence that looks like a grid, not just a pole.)

H10-Course is ridden to the left

H11-Course is ridden to the right

H12-Group class on the flat (without fences) at walk, trot, and canter. Riders will hear instructions during the class, e.g. “trot please,” and will be judged on their form.

Division 5-Beginner Hunter Division 2’0”

This is a full course division with 10 fences at 2’ high that will include gates and oxers. It is judged 60% on the ability of the horse and 40% on the equitation of the rider.

H13-Course is ridden to the left

H14-Course is ridden to the right

H15-Group class on the flat (without fences) at walk, trot, and canter.

Division 6-Jr/Amateur Hunter /Equitation Division 2’3”

This is a Young Rider and Adult Amateur division (Juniors by special permission only.) It is a full course of 8 fences at 2’3” high that will include gates and oxers. It is judged on the ability of the horse or on the equitation of the rider depending on the class.

H16-Course is ridden to the left with emphasis placed on the ability of the horse.

H17-Course is ridden to the right with the emphasis placed on the ability of the horse.

H18- Group class on the flat (without fences) at walk, trot, and canter, with the emphasis placed on the equitation of the rider.

Division 7-Hunter/Equitation Division 2’6”

This is an open division for YR, Amateurs and Professionals. It is a full course of 8 fences that will include gates and oxers. It is judged the same as Division 6.

H19-Course is ridden on the flat with the emphasis placed on the equitation of the horse.

H20-Course is ridden over fences with the emphasis placed on the equitation of the rider.

Division 8-Lead Line

Course ridden with a lead line

H21 Lead Line on the Flat

H22 Lead Line over Poles

Jumper Classes are held in the Triple B Arena- the Outside Jumping Arena

Jumper classes are full courses of jumps with gates, oxers, roll-tops, and other jumper style fences. The course is posted on a board outside the arena. It’s smart to review this with your trainer. Classes are judged only on the ability of the horse. Of course, the rider has to pilot the horse well and “set him up for success!” Four point “faults” are given for every rail knocked down (only one per fence counted. i.e. if two or more rails at a single fence drop it is still counted as only four faults.) Each refusal- horse stopping or running out at a fence- is counted as four faults. At the third refusal or run-out the horse is eliminated. If the rider goes clean (does not incur any faults) on the first round, he/she has a few seconds to recover and then immediately does the jump-off course. The jump- off course is a modified course with fewer jumps than the first and it is timed. It too is on the board at the in-gate. The winner is the rider with the fewest faults for both courses. In case of a tie, the rider with the fastest time on the jump-off course is the winner.

Division 9-Wanna Be Jumper Division 2’0”-2’3”

J1- Course ridden according to above rules

J2- Same as J1; riders typically enter both classes.

J3 Power and Speed-A different course from J1/J2. The first 4-5 fences are not timed. The rest of the course is timed. The results are based on number of faults and fastest time.

Division 10-Puddle Jumper Division 2’6”

J4-J5-J6 Same classes as Division 9 but fences are higher.

Division 11-Schooling Jumper Division 2’9-3’0”

J7-J8-J9 Same classes as Division 9 but fences are higher.

Dressage Classes held in the Mustang Dressage Arena

Dressage tests may be read out loud to the competitor. We have an assistant there for that purpose. Riders ride one at a time, at the time assigned to them prior to the show. The judge and a “scribe” who records the judge’s comments are sitting outside the arena at “A.” The judge will ring a bell or horn when he/she is ready for a rider. After the bell has rung the rider has 45 seconds to enter the arena and start the test. Ribbons are awarded per test, based on judge’s scores. They are awarded/announced after the division has completed. Because we assign ride times based on schedules of the horses and the riders, it’s possible that the riders in a given division may not ride sequentially; there may be a delay before a rider knows if they placed. To collect your test, go to the show office about 15 minutes after you finish. Score sheets are periodically run from the judge to the office. This test is yours to keep!

D1- United States Dressage Federation Intro Test A

D2-USDF Intro Test B

D3-USDF Intro Test C

D4-USDF Training Level Test 1

D5-USDF Training Level Test 2

D6-USDF Training Level Test 3

D7-USDF First Level Test 1

D8-USDF First Level Test 2

D9-USDF First Level Test 3

D10- USDF Test of Rider’s Choice

D11 United States Eventing Association Test of Rider’s Choice

D12-Western Dressage Test of Choice

Because D10 and D11 may have many different levels of tests, they will be judged but no ribbons or prizes will be awarded.

If a rider wishes to enter a dressage division, he/she needs to have had a lesson or lessons specifically working on how to ride the test. We often work on dressage patterns in class. Please let us know in advance so that we may get you a copy of the test and work on it specifically in class and practice the pattern before the show, as well as assign you a ride time. Tests are available online:

The United States Dressage Federation tests may be found at

The United States Eventing Association tests may be found at


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